mardi 29 mars 2011

March Madness Scenario


Shared treasure for setup and interacting with the special.
BUT: 4 different deployment zones = place a marker 12'' from every corner (8'' from every side), players will deploy in a 4'' area around the marker
treasure is placed in the middle of the map.

the treasure itself is a LOT more special than your normal Malifaux expedition's loot:
-a model carrying the treasure cannot make any ranged attack (or spells with the range symbol)
-models within 3" of the treasure receive '' - ''x2 on their ranged attacks (or spells with the range symbol)
-models carrying the treasure earns its team 1vp at the ''start draw phase''.

One last rule: Ranged attacks (and anything with the range symbol) can't be used on the 1st turn of the game.

-models carrying the treasure earns its team 1vp at the ''start draw phase''.(as said earlier)
-you score 1vp if a model you control is carrying the treasure at the end of the game, +1vp if that model is in yours or your ally's deployment zone.

Special Action:

A model that hits in a melee duel and would receive no negative modifier on his damage flip can attempt a Wp-Wp duel instead of doing damage to steal the treasure from a model carrying it.

Thoughts on the scenario:
After playing it I must say this a really violent scenario that favored aggressive play, by the end of turn 2 in my two games I had lost most of my crew and turn 3 and 4 generally saw lots of desperate actions in order to try and get the treasure.
-Cassandra should be banned OR her ''celebrity'' rules should be ignored (which we did), else she is invincible on the first turn of the game and automatically scores 1vp.
-I think the ''no negative modifier on damage flip'' to try and steal the treasure should be removed, its clunky: the ''steal'' action was here to be able to get the treasure from models with slow to die and soulstone use, but the ''no negative'' kinda makes the whole action useless against these specific models.
-2h30 is approximatively 3-4 turns...And it is enough!! Surprisingly (or not, because we playtested), 3-4 turns of 2v2 is EXTREMELY violent and there's enough action that it feels like a 6turns game.

Thanks to Michael for devising this scenario, thanks to all playtesters (Edson, Austin, Thom, Michael, Ivan...And I :)) who improved it and helped a lot!

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